Brunei Gas Carriers (BGC) as part of its Social Investment (SI) initiative held a handover ceremony with representatives from the Ministry of Health (MoH) earlier this morning at the Menglait Sports Complex.
A sum of money was raised through an internal staff donation drive and matched by the company to fund the purchase of essential supplies as required by the MoH for patients admitted to the National Isolation Centre (NIC). The BGC SI initiative, is intended to support Brunei’s healthcare system, as the country battles the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak.
Representing BGC for the handover ceremony was Hj Nor Mahadi Hj Hosaini, one of BGC’s Marine Engineers and unsung hero, who along with his colleagues, ensure that the nation’s precious cargo of LNG is continuously delivered safely to Brunei Darussalam’s international customers.
Included as part of the essential supplies was a special BGC “care package” allocated for 1,000 patients. BGC, in support of the mobilisation efforts at the newly designated isolation centres, Pusat Khidmat Bakti Negara (PKBN) centre and Ma’had Islam, also donated 18 units of metal lockers, 20 microwave ovens, 20 filtered water dispensers, 100 water kettles, and 100 extension wires.
Let us continue to look after one another and fight against COVID-19 together. Stay strong, stay calm, and stay safe.