Brunei Gas Carriers (BGC) recently held a Business Excellence Open Day at the BGC HQ with representatives from Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), Rahim Jahit, and Steven Song, in attendance.
In opening the Business Excellence Open Day, BGC’s Managing Director, Pg Shamhary Pg Dato Paduka Hj Mustapha remarked that Continuous Improvement (CI) is a mindset that needs to be embeded in the organisation. Continuous Improvement and application of the Lean Methodology, serves to ensure that everyone strives to do things efficiently, effectively, and productively, every single day of the week. He further reiterated that having a learner mindset can positively influence the culture of the entire organisation.
Rahim Jahit, BSP’s Business Excellence Manager, delivered an enlightening presentation on the role of Business Excellence and the contributions of CI in BSP. He shared on how it can impact the performance of an organisation to help increase output and attain cost savings. A key success factor for any improvement initiatives were alignment and integration in the organisation. Rahim exemplified this with an illustration of a group of rowers on a boat, depicting the chaos when everyone was not rowing in tandem i.e. in different directions, speed and practice. He explained that in any workplace, it is important for everyone to be aligned to ensure that everyone is working towards a shared objective and that often it is more than just improving a process, but requires a shift in mindset.
Steven Song, BSP’s CI Deployment Coach, returned for the second time. This time, to aid BGC’s own training facilitators to run the Business Improvement Simulation Exercise to a wider group of BGC employees. The objective of the exercise was again to inculcate awareness on Lean, the methodology and how TIMWOOD waste can be eliminated at work.
We wish to thank both Rahim and Steven for taking the time out of their busy schedules to join our Business Excellence Open Day.
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