BGC breaks fast with special students
A TOTAL of 80 special needs students from the Centre for Children with Special Needs (KACA) and Pusat Bahagia and their families had the opportunity to break fast with Brunei Gas Carriers Sdn Bhd (BGC) staff yesterday at the Tarindak D’Seni Hall at the Arts and Handicrafts Centre in Kota Batu.
Held as part of BGC’s social investment initiative, the event commenced with a recitation of prayers, followed by a speech from Haji Shahbudin bin Haji Musa, Managing Director of BGC, a Tausyeh performance by Firqah Ulfah Raudah Nasyid group, presentation of gifts to the students, Tahlil and Doa Selamat, and the iftar.
In his opening remarks, Haji Shahbudin emphasised the need to remember the less fortunate in the society. He hoped that the event will foster a sense of responsibility and strengthen relations between BGC and the community.
The event also saw the managing director distribute goodie bags to the students and presentation of Waqaf items including wheel-chairs, television sets and DVD players. The items, collectively funded by the BGC management team, were received by the Managing Director of KACA and the Assistant Director of Pusat Bahagia.
The iftar event, which is held annually during the month of Ramadhan, is part of BGC’s corporate social responsibility.
Borneo Bulletin