In this year’s holy month of Ramadhan, Brunei Gas Carriers (BGC) set out to meet with residents from the Labi community in the Belait District, as part of the 8th installment of Project Amali. The visit to Mukim Labi which took place on Wednesday, 28th April 2021, was led by BGC’s Managing Director, Pg Shamhary Pg Dato Haji Mustapha, accompanied by groups of volunteers from the company.
Project Amali is one of BGC’s Social Investment initiatives which sought to address the social, economic and welfare aspects of local communities. Under the project, BGC has worked together with Jabatan Pembangunan Masyarakat (JAPEM) and the Penghulu of Mukim Labi to identify candidates that require assistance in the form of essential food items and school supplies.
There were five identified socioeconomically disadvantaged families residing in Mukim Labi by JAPEM and the Penghulu. BGC presented each family with various food and essential items such as rice, cooking oil, assorted canned foods, assorted toiletries, cleaning utensils and so forth.
During the handover, BGC representatives took the opportunity to speak with each of the family members and empathise with their situation— especially so during the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. BGC’s Managing Director, Pg Shamhary, remarked that he, on behalf of the Company and staff that made donations, is thankful that we could all contribute and lend a helping hand to these families of the Labi community especially during the month of Ramadhan. He hopes that with the food provisions and other essential items, the families can improve on their well-being and helps to lighten their burden.
BGC is proud and thankful to JAPEM and the Penghulu of Mukim Labi for collaborating with us to support the Labi community. All the volunteers have learned a valuable lesson concerning the difficulties faced by the families residing in the area and are happy to contribute towards such an important and gratifying cause. BGC looks to build on this year’s Project Amali by expanding its reach and connecting with more communities in Brunei Darussalam.