Covid-19 Donation Drive (Part 2)

Brunei Gas Carriers (BGC) as part of its Social Investment (SI) initiative carried out another round of donations to the Ministry of Health at the Menglait Sports Complex. BGC was informed that the newly developed National Isolation Centres (NIC) required several computers to assist the frontliners in performing their administrative duties, especially in keeping track of patients admitted to the respective NICs. Present to distribute the donation were representatives from BGC’s IT department, Hermi Farizul bin Haji Hamdani and Mohammad Adli Wafiuddin bin Matali. Included as part of the donations are 8 computer desktops, 8 monitors, 8 keyboards, 8 mouse devices and 8 HDMI cables. BGC will continue to support the Brunei Government through its SI initiatives and fight against the COVID-19 pandemic together. Stay strong, stay calm, and stay safe. #togetheragainstcovid19 #bgccares #bruneigascarriers #bruneishipping #bersamamelindungi